Monday, February 20, 2012

How to roll and cut sugar cookies & Cookie Pops

I know there are a lot of fancy tools to roll out sugar cookies. I have received a couple of emails asking me how I roll my sugar cookies to see if there is some tool  I recommend.

I do not have any of these fancy tools.  I just follow a very simple method that works for me. I'm happy to share it with you.

Once prepared, I wrap my sugar dough in plastic / cling wrap and form a disc.
This is my Chocolate Espresso roll out cookies recipe I shared with you earlier this week; but any cookie dough works the same way.
I form a disc, and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
 After about 30 minutes, it's firmed a bit; but not too firm.
I take two sheets of baking paper or parchment paper and roll the dough between these two papers.
Then I place it back in the fridge for a few hours. Sometimes over night.

When I am ready; I take it out. Peal off both the papers and release the sheet of dough.
(It is important to release both the papers first, because Its easier to release the sheet from the whole disc as compared to individual cookies).
I use my cutters and cut out the shapes.

If you look below I cut about an inch away from the outer circle just to be sure that all my cookies are even and not thinner around the edges. 
 As you see I do not have to worry about the dough loosing it's shape. They are cold enough to handle easily with my hands.
Just place them on a cookie sheet. Once all cookies are rolled and cut; bake as directed.
You re-roll the balance cookie dough between two sheets again and do the same thing.
Some times, I cheat. If I'm in haste I place the dough sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Works great. Never had any issues so far.

To make cookies pops.
I dip my cookie stick in egg white. Place my hand on the cookie as shown and slide the stick right under the cookie. Because the dough is cold it won't loose shape.
The egg white helps the cookie stick slide easily but most importantly sticks to the cookie like glue.

I hate it when a kid is eating a cookie pop and the cookie drops while the kid is still holding his stick in his hand. With the egg white the stick stays on the cookie until the end.
If I plan to cover my cookies with fondant or rolled royal icing.
I place the cookie stick on the top side of my cookie with a small piece of dough holding it. I personally like the raised look that extra dough gives.  A 3D effect. That's my personal opinion.
Here you can see, two Christmas cookies are rolled with fondant and  and two with Royal Icing.
Notice the raised look on two cookies.

 Check these flowers. All rolled with rolled royal icing and the cookie stick on the top side.
Well, that's how I work with my cookie dough. Sorry no fancy tools.
If you have been reading my post you will know that I am quite selective when buying tools. Not so much because of the price but more because I just find it too over whelming when I have to much around, not to mention I hate washing dishes so the less I use; the less I wash.

Well I hope this post was helpful.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. amazing!! thank u SO much for sharing all ur tricks n tips! will try them out tom!


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