Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to stabilize Whipped Cream

Have you guys seen the page views on the top right corner? We crossed 300,000 page view in less than a year!! How cool is that.
Thanks guys, so glad you all love my work, my recipes and tutorials. Really nice to get some heart warming emails from you all too. Makes me feel blessed.

Many of you have asked me to share cakes with whipped cream. But I have not done so yet... Sorry!

I just posted how I made this cake on my Food blog today. So do check it out.

Whipped cream is pretty much perfect with any dessert.
Add a dollop of whipped cream to a bowl of cut fruits and you have turned your fruit bowl into a dessert!
Whipped cream with a pie or pastry is absolutely amazing too.
My kids will eat it out of a bowl with a spoon.
You can flavor whipped cream with anything other than Vanilla and transform it to suit your taste buds. Cocoa, lemon, cinnamon, liquor, strawberry the list is endless.

What's most important about cakes with whipped cream is the consistency of the cream.
Often I get asked how can you pipe with whipped cream? The answer is - stabilizing the whipped cream.
So while you do not need a recipe on how to make Whipped Cream, I will show you how to stabilize it so you can do more with it.

To stabilize the whipped cream - you can use Gelatine, corn flour, or even pudding mix. I personally prefer to use gelatine.


1 cup whipping cream
1 tsp gelatin (unflavored) or 1 tbsp cornflour or 1 tbsp pudding mix.
1 tbsp cold water
3 tbsp caster sugar or fine grain sugar
1 tsp Vanilla

Place the mixer bowl, beaters and whipped cream in the fridge for atleast an hour to chill.

If using Corn flour or pudding mix - just add to the cream at soft peak stage.

If using gelatine - Place the gelatine and water in a bowl. Let stand for two minutes.

 The gelatine will bloom like so.. (absorb all the water)
In the mean time place a pot with water and let come to a simmer. Switch off  the flame and place the bowl of gelatine into the hot water.
The heat in the water is enough to dissolve the gelatine..
The gelatine will have dissolved into a clear liquid like so.
IMPORTANT - set aside to cool completely. 
Pour the whipped cream into mixer bowl.
Turn the mixer on medium. 
After a minute - add in the sugar slowly. 
Once you have reached between soft and stiff peaks like so...

Pour in your COOLED gelatine mixture. If the gelatine is warm, it will clump into small granules as soon as it hits the cold cream.
Alternatively - you can add one or two tbsp of cream to the gelatin and then pour it into the cream.
 If using corn flour - just sprinkle over the cream at the soft peak stage.
And here you see I have stiff whipped cream. Do not over beat at this point or you will start the process of making butter.
This whipped cream can be used immediately. You can spread it over any cake or keep in a plastic container and use as needed. I have kept this whipped cream for up to three days in the fridge and it won't go limp or separate..

To Pipe - just place in a piping bag with your desired tip and pipe like you pipe your frosting.

Don't forget to check out the above cake I made - it's on my food blog.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Veena here in the States we have a product called Dr. Oetker "Whip It" it is a stabilizer of whipping cream...

    dr oetker is a brand of like puddings and mousses and such it is not a medicinal product...

    I can send you a few packets to try if you like? no I really will,I have used it and I really like it... Maria...


    1. Thanks for the kind gesture Maria. That is so sweet of you. I know about 'whip it'. It's an excellent stabilizer. I use to use when in the US. I do not find it here however, and don't like any other similar products.
      This post is especially for those like me who cannot get products like 'whip it'. Sometimes it's best to know the simplest and easiest methods to do things.
      Thanks for the kind gesture again and comment.

  2. Hello
    Have you ever tried Agar Agar (its an algae), its great for veterinarians (though I am not) I use it in jam when it has problems setting and the other day used it in cream and worked brilliantly despite it being 32 outside

    Thank you for the above will be giving it a go:)

  3. Hi veena, just want to ask if this will not melt easily? Coz im planning to use ur recipe for cupcake.. im here in muscat city oman.. the weather is hot this time... Thanks


  4. Hi veena... can u plz tell me if I can use gelatin in this way with non dairy whipping cream?? Also please tell me if decorating cakes with non dairy whipping cream is a common practice?

  5. Perfect recipes at the perfect time!!! My daughter has requested a minnie cake for her birthday and I am not a fan of fondant! So I decided I needed to find a way to make it with fresh cream! Thanks for letting me know the best way to stabalize the whipped cream!!! Would you still add the color at the end?


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