Friday, October 11, 2013

Cake Decorating Tutorials by Veena's Art of Cakes

I told you yesterday about my new online store for sugar flowers,  Cake, Cupcake and cookie toppers. 
Today, I want to share about my PDF tutorials on sale. Yes!

If you have seen my recent post - Should my tutorials be FREE or Paid for. Then you know  I have been going back on forth with the thought that perhaps I should make tutorials  for sale. That way I could make these time consuming tutorials and my times would be paid for.

Since I was having a tough time making this decision I wrote a blog post and decided to let you all make my decision for me. I asked you to contribute on your own, what amount you want and what you think my tutorials are worth.
I thought if I saw people show me some appreciation on their own. No matter how small the amount. I would continue to make these tutorials for free and be happy to see my work being appreciated.

After all - I have 70 you tube videos,  20 member videos, more than 30 personal recipes, 50 Tip Thursday and almost close to 300 blog post now with cake decorating tutorials. All for free!

While I did get some generous contributions, I did not get many show of hands. Less than 10 people put their foot forward to contribute and show their appreciation.

But most importantly a lot of negative energy with people complaining and insisting that I continue to make free tutorials. People threatening to unfollow or unlike me on Facebook if I make tutorials for sale. I was very sad that those who benefited most from me were most unsupportive

While I have every intention to continue to share my knowledge for free, I did not appreciate the negative energy and bad attitude I received from some of my followers.

This of course made me feel my tutorials were not worth peoples wallet. So I worked on my very first paid PDF tutorial.  And I am happy to tell you that I had 12 sales in less than half a day.  I will blog about it in my next post.

So now the question to you is - Do people only appreciate things they pay for?

Another question that most of you have asked me is - Are you going to stop making Free tutorials now? The answer is NO!

Despite all the above, I will continue to share my knowledge and recipes as I have done on this blog so far.  I started my journey of sharing to help and I have no intentions of stopping it. 
Of course this is my career, this is my profession, this is my job and like every job I do need to get paid for my time. So Time permitting I will share what I can for free. Just as I have done so far. 
If a tutorial takes more of my time  - then I will put it on my web Store and try to keep prices as affordable as possible. 

Last but not the least, I want to say a big thank you to those of you that put your foot forward , appreciated and supported me by contributing.
As I said there is no amount too small. My purpose was to see your appreciation and I'm grateful for those of you that did. 
I do hope you will continue to show me your appreciation and support.
Have a great day. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Dear Veena, I think you are right to create a shop where especially some of your most-time consuming tutorials are available - the number of sales within a very short time-span have confirmed that people are quite willing to pay for your wonderful expertise. Also, I really appreciate your response to my question regarding pricing dessert cakes - it confirmed what I had heard from a couple of other people. Again, it is just wonderful to see your awesome work - it's inspiration par excellence but I fear that I am light years off. With my best wishes and thanks

  2. Veena, I was unable to find all the information about contributions until you had the link to your web store. Last night I found so many things I was super excited. I purchased a tutorial from your web store and joined your site. I am waiting to get the first tutorial and give it a go. I will be a regular on your site and web store. There is such a wealth of knowledge from you that if people want to learn they will save their pennies to purchase your expertise. People certainly wouldn't go to a Dr. or lawyer and expect to obtain free services and like the lawyer or Dr. you are a professional and your time is valuable. Thank you for all you do to help us become better cakers and decorators.


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