Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to make Black Fondant

Have you ever made Black fondant? It's usually easier to buy then to make. Less hassle. But once you get use to homemade fondant; no one wants store bought.

Here's what my homemade fondant looks like - Black ?

And here you can see it on my latest cake - using the exact same recipe made here.

Now the best way to make Black Fondant is to start with Chocolate Fondant, unless you don't want chocolate in your cake or fondant at all. Below on my Tip Thursday I shared with you how to make it without chocolate.

Tip Thursday - Black Fondant

So lets begin.

This fondant is derived from my personal fondant recipe.
The recipe is available here for free but you can download the PDF file with progress pictures along with the Vanilla Based Black Fondant recipe on my online shop.

Ingredients for Chocolate Based Black Fondant
Ø  1/2 cup/ 120 ml  Fresh Cream (32 – 38%)
Ø  3 tbsp.  gelatin
Ø  1 tbsp. glycerin
Ø  1 cup / 240 ml - Light Corn Syrup
Ø  4 tbsp. butter / Veg shortening
Ø  600+ grams Powder Sugar (1Ib= 480grams )
Ø  100 grams / 1 cup - Coco Powder
Ø  Pinch of Salt
Ø  2 tsp. Vanilla
Ø  1 tbsp. Coffee extract (optional)
Ø  2 tbsp. water ( may or may not need)
Ø  1 tsp. Black gel food color or 1 tsp. black powder food coloring.


  1. Have all the ingredients ready at room temperature
  2. Bloom gelatin in Fresh cream for 2 minutes
  3. Melt gelatin in microwave for 1 to 1.30 minutes
  4. Add Butter, Light corn Syrup, glycerine, vanilla  to the above mix.
  5. Add the gel food colors
  6. Add cocoa powder to the Powder sugar and mix well with whisk.
  7. Add cream/gelatin mix to the Powder sugar mixture. 
  8. Knead well until you have a smooth pliable dough.
  9. if the mixture is tough to handle - add 1 to 2 tbsp. water
  10. if the mixture is sticky add more powder sugar.

11. Wrap in plastic wrap and then in an airtight container in the fridge for the gelatin to set.
It's best to make Black fondant a few days in advance so the colors deepen as over time.
This is two days later.

I do hope you find this post useful. 
The recipe is free on this blog but you can download the PDF file at affordable prices on my online shop. The PDF contains progress pictures as well as my Vanilla Based Black Fondant Recipe, Fondant Tips and my special notes.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Really lovely concept. Thanks soo much for sharing your gift. May Allah reward you abundantly.

  2. hi veena,i have suscribed to your blog and i try to write a comment with my name but there s no way "to comment as"with just my name,my comment is published only when i comment as anonymous.could you help me with that,please?
    i have to say i love your blog and your recipes ,you are a big help for me because i m a novice and i live in a hot and humid weather ,on an island, i m often getting crazy with this weather!!
    specially with my homemade fondant.i will try your recipe as soon as i can,and i dream it would be miraculous,because my other recipes calling for gelatin and water are a desaster!!i m wondering if my powder sugar does contain too much humidity!!do you think it could be the problem?
    thanks for answering me
    all the best
    vahiné island

  3. Beautiful vale, will dure give your recipe a try!
    Thank You much for sharing :)


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