Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gum Paste Gerber Daisies

Here are some simple Gerber Daisies I did recently for a cake and thought I'd share them with you.
Get your gum-paste and tools ready as shown below.
I use the soft white foam pad to soften my petals.

For the glue I use - 1/8 tsp of tylose added to 30 tsp of warm water.
Roll out your gum paste to 1/8 of an inch thickness. (If you have those rings on your rolling pin, it's the purple rings) And a pea size ball of brown gum-paste.

Roll out two large petals and three of the small petals.

Always place your petals under a plastic shield so they do not dry out while you working on the others.

Take your first large petal. Place it on the soft foam.
Place your paint brush on the petal like so.. then with your finger rock it sides ways broadening the petals.
Here you can see the difference between the original petal and the one I just did.
 For the second large petal I use my tool, holding it an an angel, pressing lightly, pull towards the center of the flower.

Here you can see both the petals. 

Take the three small petals
As you did with the second large petal.
Hold your tool at an angel and pull towards the center with light pressure. Use some cornstarch to ensure the petals don't stick to the tools.
 Then cut each petal in half like so. Do it for all the three petals.
Place your center on one of the petals with glue as shown
Flip the petal over and mold the petals to close on the center.
Flip it back facing upwards and you should have this center. Continue to gather the petals towards the center until they stay in place.
 Now start putting the flower together.
Lay the first petal in the flower former. Then place the second one on top in such a way that the petals lay between each other rather than directly on top.

Place the first small petal on the large petals
Then place the second small petal on top in such a way that the petals all lay between each other and not over each other...
Now place the flower center
Leave to dry....
Once dried, you can dust some petal dust around the center edges.
Here they are on a simple cake..
I hope you enjoyed this post with me.
Until next time.
Happy Cake Decorating.

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  1. Deeply impressive daisies.Flowers definitely add beauty to this cake.I really appreciate the time and effort you take to put in this blog.Keep up the good work!!

  2. I am truely inspired by you. You are simply amazing. Can you please show how to rose flowers with that every petal. Always wanted to learn it.


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