Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Carrot Cake Recipe

This is a carrot cake that I have been using for a very long time now. Even if you are a person who doesn't like carrots you will enjoy this carrot cake because it does not have the taste or feel of carrots.

It's really moist and stays so for a couple of days. I believe the addition of orange and lemon zest though optional really brings out the flavors. While the brown sugar apart from making it  less sweet contains molasses which contributes to the soft texture of this cake.

The Free trial period for this recipe is over .
The final recipe, tried and tested can now be found in my online shop for only --  1.99 US Dollar with four tiers calculated for you 6, 8, 10 and 12.
A big thank you to all those that tried and sent me valuable feedback for this recipe.


Cake  - view one..
Cake - view two..

Of course, Carrot Cake is known to be served with Cream Cheese frosting but you are free to try any of your favorite frosting or just plain with a cup of hot coffee as I am doing.

You can find my cream cheese recipe and other frosting recipes right her on my blog. 

This cake can be kept at room temperature for three days or in the fridge for a week. If you do keep any cake in the fridge always make sure to wrap well in cling wrap or plastic wrap to avoid it from drying out.
    I hope you enjoy this recipe.
    Until next time
    Happy Cake Decorating.


    1. Tried this recipe. Loved it.. I think I loved it more because it wasn't overly sweet. I'm going to try the chocolate cake next.
      Amazing blog. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing so much.
      Mary Ann - form Many Cakes and more

    2. This was my first time making a carrot cake. And now I made this recipe twice, because it was so awesome. My father in law loves carrot cake so I made a trial cake first before I made one for his 70th Birthday Everyone loved it. My father in law as very happy to see that it was not as sweet as the ones you order. Lucky I had read your tips on the recipe page above. So I knew that once I decorate it it will be just right. Thanks for sharig your recipes. You have a great blog

    3. I definitely want to try this recipe - wondering if you have posted cream cheese recipe any where on your blog ? If so can you please guide me ..would love to try that with carrot cake.... you have an amazing blog..love it :)

    4. I also tried this recipe and my husband and our kids loved it!


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