Monday, January 30, 2012

Twin sugar model birthday Cake

I hope you all are doing well. I know it's Monday morning and not everyone is looking forward to going back to work. Here the weather has been really cold and raining for most of the weekend. 
Anyway, I wanted to share with you this cake I made for a twins birthday. 
If you are a member on my website you will of course remember these sugar models. I made the tutorial for these two sugar models. 
The cake was supposed to be for December but the celebration was postponed until last week. 

I was actually tempted to add a teddy and a dog on the cake with the girls but the mother said she did not want anything else to take attention from her girls. She was thrilled with how the models turned out. I decorated the cake with yellow and pink strips and dots to match the girls dresses. Honestly, I was quite happy with how the cake looked. What do you think?
Of course, you can always go to my website, join as a member and learn how to make these and some other sugar models. Membership is free!
Here are some additional pictures of the sugar models so you can see the details. 
If your wondering why one has a pacifier and not the other? It's true, one does not use a pacifier loves the color yellow, has bright blond hair and the other loves pink, freaks out without a pacifier and has really bright big eyes.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week.
Until next time, happy cake decorating.

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