Friday, March 2, 2012

Birds Cage Mini Cakes

I was recently asked to make some mini cakes, but no information on how I should decorate them.

The only message I received was - Do something fun, do the first thing that pops up your head,  make sure they don't look small, try to use some blue and yellow in the colors. I did not even know who or for what age they were for!

Well, here's what I did.
What do yo think? Did I follow instructions well? Would you be happy if you were the customer?

Since she said; make sure they don't look small I decided not to cut off the dome from the mini cakes. That's when the idea poped into my head.
These are my Chocolate Chiffon Cake recipe.  Just layered them with Vanilla Buttercream...
 covered them with fondant.
This one I did with only royal icing .. just piped lines from bottom up, added a few flowers and boarders.
These I decided to add a bit more fondant. I wasn't very happy with the royal icing door above so made these with fondant.
For the bird I had a silicon mold from Wilton so used that. I don't think it's difficult to do free hand though. Must try next time.
That was an easy and fun project.
You could do a large Bird Cage exactly the same way using a ball pan or Princess skirt bowl.

Well that was a short post from me today. I hope I don't bore you guys with my usual long post.

Thanks for stopping by.  Until next time.
Happy Purim to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Sensational ..Super Duper!!You're Neat in your work.Keep Up The Good Work.But u havent included the chiffon cake recipe.


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