Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to make Rainbow Cupcakes

Have you seen these cupcakes I posted on Facebook recently? I know I promised to post the how-to last week but.... been too busy.
This has been a cupcake week for me.. Kids party cupcakes, Bat-Mitzvah cupcake favors, Anniversary cupcake favors and painted princess cupcakes.

Anyway, don't these look gorgeous?
Here's how I make my rainbow cupcakes.

Bake one batch of your favorite vanilla cupcakes.

Here I'm using my - one bowl cupcake recipe - Honestly can't get any easier than that!
Divide the batter into six bowl approximately. 
Now add your choice of coloring.
I am using a mix of Wilton and Ameri-color.
Please refer to my post on - how to make a rainbow cake if you want to use super-market brand food colors or natural food coloring options.  I have spoken about it in detail in that post.
Prepare your baking pan with cupcake liners.
Start adding your colors. Red,orange, yellow, blue, green, violet.

  • Every time you add a color - lift your baking pan and tap it down, ones or twice lightly to spread the colors. Move on to the next color and do the same. 
  • When you add the next color - place it in the middle of the previous colored batter. So when you tap it - it flows over the previous batter forming a layer.
 Here's the red orange and yellow.
Next, Blue.
And last violet/purple.
 Tap one last time and bake in a preheated oven at 170C/340 F for about 20 to 22 minutes.
When cooled, decorate as desired. I decorated mine with the rainbow icing.

I have made a post on how to make two tone icing. Do exactly the same but instead of two colors add six colors.
Here's a close look at the inside on one cupcake.
Here's another. 

Simple, pretty and always kid's favorite. I do hope you find this post helpful.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is one of the prettiest cupcakes I've ever seen! Love it.The colors look amazing!

  2. hi veena,

    just love your Rainbow cupcake n the rainbow cake recipe just waiting to try it, itz really a great idea, how to u get all this ideas. great mind at work right. great job.


  3. Hi!I was actually searching in YouTube for rainbow cakes.This post of yours is a gift for me to try.Thanks Veena for the detail post.Will try sometime.Bookmarked!


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