Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make-up Bag cake

I don't know what to say but to apologize that it took more than the time I expected to put this tutorial up.
The kids have been on Chanukah vacations, and you know how much I love to do things with them. 

Back to this cake. I was asked to make a pretty round cake with just a compact and nail polish on it.

You know how sometimes you have a brain freeze? That's what happen to me with this cake.

When I went to make the make up I did not know where to begin? My brain just wouldn't work. I tried to search on line to get some ideas. I found lots of beautiful make up cakes but no tutorial.

So I went to my own make up bag. Got some of the stuff out. and started working on it. Made the nail polish, compact... and the next thing you know I had made the whole set...! It was just so much fun. Lucky I remembered to take pictures for you.

Oh well, so here is the close up of the make up I did. 
 This is how I mad the eye shadow..  the pictures are self explanatory I think?

 Here's the compact. Quite simple really.
Nail polish.. just hand molded.
You could do any shape you want. I have some this shape so just use that as a guide.
 Mascara.. hand molded - three pieces then pushed the cocktail stick into the base and done. I used a pair of scissors to snip the brush.
 The blush brush. I use a knife to make the brush marks. You could use the extruder but I was afraid it would give a broom effect.
Lipstick. I wanted to make it red. But since the bag was red... use pink. 
For the cake.. This is my light and fluffy Vanilla cake.
I needed a 6" cake but I baked it in one single layer 8" cake.
Layered with Vanilla Buttercream. Cut in half and place it cut side down. 

Coated with Buttercream and then covered it with home made fondant. 
A strip of grey for the zipper. Used the stitch tool to make the zipper and stitch impression. 
Then added red borders to seal the zipper. See the finished cake.
Used an extruder to make the rope borders.
Added more details - Flower design on the front and back. Applied silver luster dust diluted in vodka for the metal effect.
That's it.. The cake is done. 
It's easy but time consuming. 

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable cake..Excellent makeup tutorial.Loved the broom effect as well as vanilla cake too.Keep it up!!


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