Thursday, May 30, 2013

Baking Powder Vs Baking Soda - Tip Thursday

Are you confused about the difference between these two. Most of us are!

The reason they are very important in baking apart from the obvious rising of the cake.. is the weird taste they can give to your baked goods. 

If you notice most of my recipes have less of these leavening agents as compared to standard commercial recipes. Yes, I usually prefer to keep them to the minimum.

Quite often I get comments and messages from some of you that a particular recipe did not succeed. Of course that usually is followed by - substitutions! Often we try to substitute one ingredient for the other. If you do not take the right precautions those substitutes could cost you a beautiful cake.
So the next time you decide to substitute make sure you know if that's the right thing to do. If not, you best look for a different recipe.

So, here's today 'Tip Thursday' - Hope you find it useful

Thanks for stopping by.

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