Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to make Ruffles and Frills on cakes

Today's 'Tip Thursday' is about Ruffles and Fills Basics on my Facebook page. While I think that this is enough for most.. some might need a bit more information. So I thought I'd elaborate here on my blog. There is only that much information you can put on a slide!

The reason I chose Ruffles cause recently been having a lot of messages asking about how I did them...

Some think ruffles are just strips of lines while some think ruffles are just round disc cut with the Garret Frill cutter. Notice I have not put the garret frill cutter here.. 
Ruffles can be made without any fancy tool.

 So here are the tools above - you can make them with a round plain or fluted cookie cutter or just choose a round plate of the size you need. You can make ruffles as big and long as you need. At the same time you can make them into small parts and attach them one after the other.

Here I have cut them as you can see... Flutted as well as plain disc. As well as the straight sides or a scalloped sides.

 Above you can see I have ruffled them with various tools.
The best thing about ruffles is that you can do it with something as simple as the back of a paint brush or a cocktail stick.
 Above you can see the tolls on their own. A chopstick, cocktail stick, the balballious tool, ball tool or small pink frill tool. or paint brush..... anything works.

And finally ways to apply them.

You can use just one single row for an elegant look on a baby cake..

or a few rows like this..

or on a wedding cake like these..
 and like this..

or you can use them facing up... like these..

Notice here I have them more subtle not too frilled.. I do have a video on how I did this cake.. I should be uploading that tomorrow. 

And of course Ruffles and frills on doll cakes are absolutely gorgeous. 

I recently did this and I will write a post on how I did this soon. 

And of course you can use them on cupcakes too.

I do hope you find this tip useful

Thanks for stopping by.

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